North Thompson Aboriginal Cultural Centre Society
North Thompson
Visit Website View Agreement (2018)Peace Region Métis Community Association
Northeastern BC
The BC Métis Federation continues to build relationships with Métis community and service delivery organizations throughout British Columbia that want to work together for the betterment of the Métis people in BC. The BC Métis Federation introduced a document entitled the “Statement of Cooperation” in June 2011 shortly after the BC Métis Federation was incorporated. The BC Métis Federation board members understood that a mechanism was needed to bring together the Métis communities and recognition for the important roles between BC Métis Federation and the community.
The Statement of Cooperation forms a relationship and mutual recognition and commitment to work together to support culturally appropriate issues and capacity needs. The relationship recognizes the importance of communication, transparency, and policy support based on trust and respect.
The BC Métis Federation will continue to sign Statement of Cooperation agreements as an important first step to building accountable and transparent Métis governance in BC.
Statements of Cooperation have been signed between the BCMF and the following communities:
North Thompson
Visit Website View Agreement (2018)Northeastern BC