BC Metis Federation is hosting a two-part workshop dedicated to Traditional Metis Medicine Bags. Join Karen Andersen for these two-hour virtual sessions over zoom and learn how to make your own beaded medicine bag!
Our first session will take place on Sunday, November 27th, from 1-3 pm PST. During this session, attendees will learn how to bead a traditional Metis five-petal flower. We will meet a second time on Sunday, December 4th, from 1-3 pm PST and complete the medicine bag. These sessions will be recorded and sent out to all participants so you can keep making more at your own pace!
All supplies will be mailed to participants, and this workshop is free of charge for BCMF members. Space is very limited; to register, please contact k.sison@bcmetis.com.
About Karen:
My name is Karen Andersen. I am Danish and Metis, a granddaughter of Road Allowance and have ancestors directly linked to the Red River Era. I am mainly self-taught when it comes to the crafts I know how to do. My mom taught me how to bead when I was 12, but I didn’t stick with it and didn’t pick it up again until a couple of decades later. I haven’t any traditional or historical stories passed down to me, and I have none to share. What I do have is talent and the want to share the knowledge, information and wisdom that I have gained over the years. I am a Knowledge Keeper and a Knowledge Sharer (if that is a thing), and I am happy to be able to share my knowledge with you. I have three grown and adult sons. I work full-time with my husband in his family’s Locksmith shop, and we have two four-legged toddlers (Cooper and Charlotte) that keep us on our toes.
Maarsii Karen, for your time and talent!