5th AGM Sept 23rd – 24th

Friday, September 23rd, 2016 – Dinner Hosted by UNBC 

The Métis community and delegates attending the Annual General Meeting are invited to a dinner event on September 23rd at the University of Northern BC on 4837 Keith Ave in Terrace. There will be music, food and fun for all. Attendance is free and all are welcome.

Saturday, September 24th, 2016 

Draft Agenda 

AGM Registration Open 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM

1. Opening Fiddle Music – Rene Therrien 9:30 AM

2. First Nations protocol welcome 9:35 AM

3. Opening Prayer – Métis Elder 9:40 AM

4. Opening Remarks 9:45 AM

a. Vice President Mr. Rene Therrien

b. President Keith Henry

5. Call to Order – Verification of quorum 9:55 AM

6. Approval of AGM Chair 10:00 AM

7. Approval of Draft Agenda 10:05 AM

8. Resolution Committee Appointed 10:10 AM

a. Only if resolutions are submitted 30 days in advance to the BC Mètis Federation Secretary Joe Desjarlais (j.desjarlais@bcmetis.com)

9. Approval of Draft BC Métis Federation Annual General 10:15 AM

Meeting Minutes September 26th, 2015

10. BC Métis Federation Reporting 10:20 AM

a. Review Annual Report – April 1st, 2015-March 31st, 2016

i. President Keith Henry/Executive Committee

b. BC Métis Federation Financial Statements April 1st, 2015-March 31st, 2016

i. Lyle Brown, Culver and Co – Independent Auditor

c. 2016-2017 – Update Operational Financial Forecast

11. BC Mètis Federation Economic Development Corporation 11:15 AM

a. Shauna Benson, Contracted Executive Director

Lunch (Provided) 12:00 PM

Keynote Speaker David Doyle

12. BC Métis Federation 2016 Election Report 1:00 PM

a. One Feather – Mr. Lawrence Lewis

13. Kinder Morgan Canada 2:00 PM

a. TransMountain Expansion Project Update

Health Break 2:45 PM

14. TransCanada 3:00 PM

a. Projects Update

15. New Business 4:00 PM

a. Foster Child SS Case

16. Closing Prayer 4:30 PM

Métis Dinner and Cultural Celebration 6:00 PM – 9:30 PM

Dinner will be provided for attendees followed by Métis entertainment and cultural celebration

BC Métis Federation has made arrangements with Métis musicians and cultural entertainers. This promises to be an evening of fun for the family and we encourage and welcome all Métis and friend of the Métis to attend.

[ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/BC-Metis-Federation-Draft-Agenda-AGM-September-24th-FINAL.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to download the AGM agenda in PDF format.[/ilink]

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