The 7th annual BC Métis Federation General Meeting and election will be held Sunday September 30th, 2018 at 8:00AM, followed by a Métis dinner and cultural celebration from 6:30-9:00PM.
Click here to download the Board of Directors Nomination Application Form.
Burnaby, BC
Lochdale Hall
490 Sperling Avenue
Draft Agenda
AGM Registration Open 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
- Opening Fiddle Music – Rene Therrien 9:00 AM
- First Nations protocol welcome 9:05 AM
- Opening Prayer – Métis Elder 9:10 AM
- Opening Remarks 9:15 AM
- Vice President Mr. Rene Therrien
- President Keith Henry
- Call to Order – Verification of quorum 9:30 AM
- Approval of AGM Chair 9:35 AM
- Approval of Draft Agenda 9:40 AM
- Resolution Committee Appointed 9:45 AM
- Only if resolutions are submitted 14 days in advance to the BC Mètis Federation Secretary Joe Desjarlais (
- Approval of Draft BC Métis Federation Annual General Meeting Minutes October 1st, 2017 9:50 AM
- BC Métis Federation Reporting 2017-2018 9:55 AM
- Review Annual Report – April 1st, 2017-March 31st, 2018
- President Keith Henry/Executive Committee
- BC Métis Federation Financial Statements April 1st, 2017 – March 31st, 2018
- Lyle Brown, Culver and Co – Independent Auditor
- Knowledge Partnership Project
- Joe Desjarlais/Kelly Davison
- Review Annual Report – April 1st, 2017-March 31st, 2018
Health Break 10:50 AM
- BC Métis Federation 2018-2019 Federal and Provincial Government Relations 11:00 AM
- Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation – Reconciliation Project
- Indigenous Services Canada – Understanding Daniels
Lunch (Provided) 12:00 PM
- BC Métis Federation Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee 1:00 PM
- Employment and Procurement Planning – TransMountain Expansion
- BC Metis Federation Board Elections 1:45 PM
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Directors (up to 6)
- Please note members seeking elected board position must present valid BC Metis Federation membership card as well as criminal records check.
Health Break 2:45 PM
- BC Metis Federation Child Welfare Department 3:00 PM
- Foster Child SS Case Update
- Parks Canada 3:30 PM
- Michif Language Programming Update 3:45 PM
- Understanding Future of Cannabis in Canada 4:00 PM
- Closing Prayer 4:30 PM
Métis Dinner and Cultural Celebration 6:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Dinner will be provided for attendees followed by Métis entertainment and cultural celebration
BC Métis Federation has made arrangements with Métis musicians and cultural entertainers. This promises to be an evening of fun for the family and we encourage and welcome all Métis and friends of the Métis to attend.
[ilink url=”” style=”download”]Click here to download the Board of Directors Nomination Application Form[/ilink]
[ilink url=”” style=”download”]Click here to download the DRAFT AGM Agenda[/ilink]
[ilink url=”” style=”download”]Click here to download the AGM Poster as a PDF[/ilink]