A System or a Story: the Metis National Crisis

BC Metis Federation leader Joe Desjarlais has released his latest article. Metis are at their worst when they present their identity as a system and not a story. This is evident by the unfolding Metis National Council and affiliates crisis in the national media.

For Metis people in Canadian history, stories provide meaning. They function as shapes and markers of how to relate and coexist between people, families, communities and nations. Current events in the Metis National politics reveal a breakdown of false stories and a realignment toward stories that reflect Canada, its people and a shared vision of our future.

[ilink url=”[ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/A-System-or-a-Story-The-MNC-Crisis-April-25th-2014.pdf” style=”download”]ARTICLE: A System or a Story; The MNC Crisis[/ilink]

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