Actions of MCFD – Cultural Genocide

This week Canadians saw media splashing of the Federal Government addressing the impacts of the 60s scoop of Indigenous children from across Canada. Sadly the media was not as accurate in their commentary as this is on First Nations children. Once again the Métis are left out.

There continues the cultural genocide in British Columbia with the case known as SS, a member of the BC Métis Federation community. The Province of British Columbia, through their legal actions led by the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD), have continued to dismiss the calls of our Métis community to return one of our Métis children known only as SS. In fact BC Métis Federation customary adoption family members had the adoption of SS sanctioned by the Northwest Territories Indigenous commissioner in 2017.

Instead of accepting this independent Indigenous commissioner’s recognition, MCFD and their legal team have used any legal tools possible to maintain their position.

As such this week the BC Métis Federation wrote a letter to the Indigenous commissioner in the hopes of supporting the case.

These actions are going to further erode the Métis culture of our Métis child. This is cultural genocide.

[ilink url=”” style=”download”]Click here to read the letter to the NWT Indigenous Commissioner.[/ilink]

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