Another Community Joins BC Metis Federation

(Terrace, BC) The BC Métis Federation continues to celebrate the success of their Annual General Meeting this past weekend. Following the ongoing growth and support is the announcement today that the Skeena River Métis Community Association has signed the next Statement of Cooperation agreement with BC Métis Federation.

The Skeena River Métis Community Association is comprised of several Métis people from Terrace and the surrounding area and their President Elizabeth Pearce is well known and respected throughout British Columbia. Skeena River Métis Community Association formed to provide a voice for their Métis members after years of interference and frustration from the other provincial Métis organization interfering in their decision making processes and no community support.

BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry stated, “Thank you to the leadership of Skeena River Métis Community Association. Signing the agreement was another important step for us all as we continue the long road to rebuilding a true democratic alternative for Métis people across British Columbia.”

BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry added, “BC Métis Federation leadership will continue to meet with representatives of Skeena River Métis Community Association to support their needs and interests in industry projects, socio-economic needs, as well as other important Métis issues.” BC Métis Federation President Henry concluded, “Thank you to President Pearce for her commitment and work together. I know our board and team will continue to support all we can to work together with their community.”

For more information about the BC Métis Federation please review the website please at

Media Inquiries:
Keith Henry, President
BC Métis Federation
#300-3665 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC V5R 5W2
Office 1-604-638-7220
Cell 1-778-388-5013 Email
You can now follow BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry on twitter @keithhenryMetis

[ilink url=”” style=”download”]Download this Press Release in PDF[/ilink]
[ilink url=”” style=”download”]Signed SOC SRMCA and BCMF September 28th, 2013[/ilink]

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