B.C. Métis Federation Project Update – Northeast BC

The week started with the ACPP crew observing the various stages of construction along the RoW. All safety protocols were followed to ensure crew safety. The ACPP crew continues to be vigilant in discussing the daily safety tailgate meetings. The ACPP crew are provided with daily safety updates from the Coordinators attendance of the morning inspection meetings.

The ACPP crew has discussed what to look for on the RoW during construction. Deficiencies continue to be on the agenda as the week progressed. The ACPP crew is aware of the various types of deficiencies along the RoW. The snow depth along construction RoW has been a factor in hiding the various types of deficiencies that would normally be easily caught during spring, summer and the fall.

[ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/NM18142-2-TC-CM-RP-ACPP-2019-01-19-weekly-GC_ACPP-Rpt-BCMF.pdf” style=”download”]To review the BCMF Project Update – Northeast B.C. click here to download.[/ilink]

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