(Vancouver, BC) The BC Aboriginal Business Awards were handed out to nineteen (19) Aboriginal business recipients last night at the Hyatt Regency hotel located in downtown Vancouver. There were well over 500 guests in attendance from Aboriginal communities, post secondary institutions, Aboriginal youth, industries and governments.
The BC Aboriginal Business Awards were introduced three years ago by the Province of British Columbia through their work with the British Columbia Achievement Foundation. An advisory Panel and Jury have been created led by a number of Aboriginal business leaders from various economic development backgrounds. The event has become a focal point to celebrate Aboriginal business success from many sectors; tourism, forestry, construction, etc.
BC Métis Federation President Henry stated; “This was definitely a great event for all Aboriginal people in BC to be proud of. I was especially pleased to see an award handed to Bravo Restaurant and Lounge in Chilliwack, BC. Owner Louie De Jaeger wore a Métis Sash with pride as his business won the award in the category of 2-10 person enterprise. Louie has created an outstanding award winning restaurant offering an innovative Pacific West Coast menu in a casually elegant yet cosmopolitan setting.”
BC Métis Federation President Henry concluded; “I know there are many more Métis businesses in BC and I truly hope our people consider nominations and support for the awards next year. It is so important to ensure Métis businesses are also highlighted as part of the economic fabric of this province and we must support these efforts collectively, regardless of our differences in our Nation today. Support for our businesses enables our communities and families to prosper and support one another. I strongly encourage Métis people in BC to support any Métis business first and foremost. If you are Chilliwack stop in to the Bravo Restaurant and Lounge and congratulate Louis and support their business. They are open 5:30 PM from Wednesday to Saturday and are located at 46224, Yale Road in Chilliwack, BC.”
Media Inquiries:
Keith Henry
BC Métis Federation
#300-3665 Kingsway, Vancouver, BC V5R 5W2
Office 1-604-638-7220
Cell 1-778-388-5013
Email k.henry@bcmetis.com
Twitter: @keithhenryMetis
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