Coming up this weekend “Kelly Lake Metis Gathering” “Igniting Our Fire” on August 10th-12th 2012
The BC Metis Federation, in partnership with Kelly Lake Metis Settlement Society, is providing a final reminder that the BC Metis Cultural Gathering located in Kelly Lake, BC starts this Friday at 6:00 PM. The event kicks off with music, cultural activities, and lots of fun for the families. We are equally excited to have our special key note speaker and guest as former NHL hockey player Theo Fleury will be at the event all day Saturday for pictures and a special presentation. He will speak about his life and challenges and stress the importance of knowing who you are and where you are from. Remember Theo is another Metis person and his story has already helped thousands of people. You do not want to miss this!
Many of our board members will be in attendance and we look forward to a fun weekend with hundreds of our Metis families and friends from the north!
Featured Bands
~Let Er’ Rip Country – Donny Harris
~Coast to Coast – Norm Desjardins
~Rene & Charlie Girl
~Living Country- Floyd Shaver
~The Dawson Creek Old Timers
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/KellyLake-Brochure-2012-Final5.pdf” style=”download”]Download the Kelly Lake Event Brochure[/ilink]