BC Métis Federation Board Meeting Thursday, March 29 2018

The BC Métis Federation Board is notifying members of our next meeting this Thursday, March 29th from 5:00PM to 8:30PM.


  1. Welcome and Opening Remarks 5:00 PM
  2. BC Métis Federation Draft Minutes 5:05 PM
    1. January 19th, 2018
  3. BC Métis Federation Finance Update 5:10 PM
  4. BC Métis Federation Membership Update 5:20 PM
  5. BC Metis Federation Knowledge Project Report 5:25 PM
    1. Project Submission to MIRR
  6. Métis Children and Family Department Update 6:25 PM
  7. Métis Economic Development 7:25 PM
    1. Progress Report
  8. Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee 7:40 PM
    1. Project Proposal
    2. Committee Participation
  9. Other 8:10 PM
    1. 2018-2019 Work Plan
  10. Next Meeting 8:25 PM
  11. Adjournment 8:30 PM

Watch for the minutes soon.

[ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/BCMF-March-29th-2018-Draft-Agenda.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to view the Draft Agenda as a downloadable PDF.[/ilink]

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