BC Metis Federation calls for the Exoneration of Louis Riel

The BC Métis Federation is asking for support for the exoneration of Louis Riel. We are asking that all of our Metis Community members write an email to the two key Federal Indigenous Services Canada Ministers, Miller and Hajdu. For your convenience, you can copy and paste the following message:

Dear Federal Indigenous Ministers,

I am Métis. Tuesday, November 16 is the 136th anniversary of the unjust execution of our heroic leader Louis Riel. We believe that reconciliation between Canada and the Metis peoples starts with the Government of Canada exonerating Louis Riel.

I am only one among the vast majority of Métis who desire that Louis Riel be declared innocent. Our historic leader stood for our people’s rights and was guilty of nothing other than defending our right to exist as a nation.

Our Métis Communities ask that you act immediately to exonerate Louis Riel.

Yours truly,

[Add your name here]

Send an email to these two email addresses:

We need as many emails as possible so please ask your fellow Métis friends/ family members to get involved.

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