BC Métis Federation Calls Province to Action on Regional Musqueam First Nation

Dear Premier Clark and Minister Thompson,

The BC Métis Federation writes on behalf of our board of directors, members and Métis community organizations from across British Columbia to urge the Provincial Government to immediately address the situation confronting the Musqueam First Nation in an area referred to as the Marpole Midden.

Over the course of the last few weeks a number of Métis people have shown their support for the Musqueam First Nation to ensure this known historic site is not subject to further commercial development. I recognize your offices have received a number of correspondences regarding this situation and as such I want to offer another perspective regarding this matter.

Many of us in the Aboriginal community hear terms used by various provincial government politicians about a new relationship with Aboriginal people. There are those who would agree and disagree about whether the provincial government is meeting an Aboriginal perspective in how we define what a new relationship might mean for Aboriginal people. Regardless of opinions what Aboriginal people see through the Musqueam First Nation issue is that a permit was granted carelessly by the provincial government. Despite solutions offered by Musqueam First Nation it is unclear why the provincial government cannot take immediate actions to ensure a resolution can be achieved in the interest of all parties and to bring this matter to closure.

Métis people have spent time at the Musqueam First Nation led protest site and the impacts to their families and community cannot be understated given the personal sacrifices by so many from their community. It is therefore increasingly confusing why any government would allow this situation to continue without a priority to end the matter. Many of these Musqueam families have been there for the majority of the last three weeks and we urge your provincial government to expedite a solution process for all concerned.

The BC Métis Federation strongly supports the Musqueam First Nation and our members continue to volunteer time to support their issue. We will continue our support until this matter is resolved.

Thank you,

Keith Henry
BC Métis Federation
#300-3665 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC V5R 5W2
Office 1-604-638-7220
Cell 1-778-388-5013
Email k.henry@bcmetis.com

[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/BC-Metis-Federation-Letter-of-Support-May-25th-2012.pdf” style=”download”]Download this letter in PDF format[/ilink]

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