BC Metis Federation Community Leader From Williams Lake Makes Public Statement

Mr. Wayne Lucier from Williams Lake has reacted to the recent MNBC Newsletter and has released the following statement for the public.

I received MNBC’s news letter the other day and what totally boggles my mind they keep talking about promoting our culture, working to together to promote Metis, and taking pride in who we are and then have the gall to halt the raising of the Metis flag in Prince George on Louis Riel day. They are unbelievable. Keith it totally disgusts me when they show their smiling faces acting like they should be proud of what they are doing when they should be hiding their faces in shame. I would like to send this to all the Metis people because if everyone knew what they are really doing I cannot see ANYONE supporting them.

Thank you Wayne for sharing your honest views. Hopefully the rest of the Metis community and families will eventually realize these points.

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