BC Métis Federation Continues Community Dialogue – North Cariboo Métis Association in Quesnel

(Quesnel, BC) The BC Métis Federation has maintained their commitment to Métis community engagement yesterday while in Quesnel, BC. The North Cariboo Métis Association (NCMA) is located in Quesnel about an hour south of Prince George. NCMA has been in existence for several years and has a strong board and infrastructure led by President Tony Goulet. NCMA has several hundred members and a large office location where NCMA continues to deliver services meeting the needs of their members.

BC Métis Federation President Henry stated, “I am so appreciative of the welcome and efforts made by NCMA to invite the BC Métis Federation to meet with their members and leadership. We were welcomed to a wonderful potluck style dinner attended by about 25 of their members.”

President Henry added, “This was an information meeting to enable BC Métis Federation representatives to present our vision for the future, discuss the challenges created today by the MNBC, and how we can work together with NCMA. There was a lot of dialogue and questions posed to BC Métis Federation representatives following the presentations. It continues to be no surprise that Métis people, such as NCMA members, had minimal understandings or awareness of key issues such as Enbridge and the role of MNBC with this project or the complete financial dismantling of the MNBC, plus much more. It also did not surprise BC Métis Federation representatives to hear that NCMA members were never consulted by the MNBC about the Enbridge project.”

President Henry concluded, “The meeting provided NCMA and the BC Métis Federation an opportunity to better understand one another. Clearly NCMA has a strong community based organization with members who are involved. The BC Métis Federation demonstrated our commitment to supporting straight forward and honest dialogue about all issues. NCMA is a community who requires support and decision making from the grassroots base up, not the other way around and the BC Métis Federation did our best to assure NCMA that we understood the fundamental need for this relationship. We reviewed a draft agreement to formalize our relationship and I look forward to an NCMA decision to work with us in the future.”

For more information about the upcoming Regional Gatherings being held throughout BC please go to the BC Métis Federation website www.bcmetis.com. The next Regional Gathering is in Cranbrook at the Prestige Hotel on April 7th starting at 6:00 PM. All Métis people and friends of the Métis welcome.

Media Inquiries:
Keith Henry
BC Métis Federation
#300-3665 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC V5R 5W2
Office 1-604-638-7220
Cell 1-778-388-5013
Email k.henry@bcmetis.com

You can now follow BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry on twitter @keithhenryMetis

[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/BCMF-Press-Release-April-2nd-2012.pdf” style=”download”]Download this Letter in PDF format[/ilink]

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