Last week BC Métis Federation cultural ambassador Beverley Lambert attending the Aboriginal Youth conference entitled “Gathering Our Voices” which brought together an estimated 2000 youth. Beverley lead the workshops entitled: “Metis Aerobic: Hip Hop Jigging”, sessions: 2, 3, S, 6, 8, 9, 11 & 12.
The session was described as; “Health and Culture go hand in hand. In order to balance your life, you need to understand how culture feeds your soul and spirit. We shall focus on how to achieve a healthy attitude and heart. Why not spice it up and learn to use Hip Hop music to practice Metis Jigging. Challenge yourself and try a new way of keeping in shape. This high energetic Metis Aerobics program will teach you many traditional steps and it’s also a fantastic way to keep physically fit. The music is good for the soul and sometimes when we are enjoying ourselves we forget it’s a work out. This experience will lift your spirits and motivate you to exercise again.”
BC Métis Federation cultural ambassador Beverley Lambert stated; “This year’s 2013 Gathering our Voices Aboriginal Gathering in Penticton was probably the largest I have ever seen, more than 2000 youth, elders, staff, facilitators attended this annual conference. Thank you to Okanagan Peoples who’s traditional territories this gathering was held, so grateful for your hospitality. I raise my hands up to the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres (BCAAFC)and Provincial Aboriginal Youth Council (PAYC) for organizing such a huge event to encourage our youth to have a health, attitude, mentally, emotional, physically, and most of all spiritually.”
Lambert added; “This year’s theme was health and approximately 70 facilitators offered an exciting array of motivational speakers and performers who shared their knowledge, life experience and their talents. They actually gave me a kitchen to have my Métis Kitchen Party, what a perfect setting. Special thanks to the mother and daughter who helped me for my workshop. I was also quite impressed at the attendance as I had a range from 8-to 40 students in all the sessions. All students this year did not have to be encouraged to participate. During my sessions they were begging to put on the costumes as soon as they walked in the door asking me “let’s dance and exercise Bev”. “
Lambert concluded; “My workshops were a success. I am surprised I had feet left as I was booked for so much during the conference. The only reason I made it through, was because of the enthusiastic audience. The youth loved the music the gangum and Party Shaker jig steps. They all made a choice to have fun, not sit in the chairs with their hands folded. We created our own special memories together, so today I am looking back on this day with nothing but happiness. I hope these youth will all keep in touch with me, remembering my 4 step program and practicing it every day. Till we meet again my friends, you are always in my heart.”
The Aboriginal youth conference concluded Friday, March 22nd, 2013 and there was closing ceremonies. Three Métis youth from Vernon, along with BC Métis Federation ambassador Lambert, provided a Metis cultural presentation during the closing ceremonies. BC Métis Federation acknowledges Mr. Marcel Aubin and his team for putting on this amazing cultural show as it was a powerful spiritual experience, and it grounded the youth for their journey home. BC Métis Federation cultural ambassador Beverley Lambert encourages Métis communities and families to register for this conference next year as it will be a life changing experience for any Métis youth. The 2014 Aboriginal Youth Voices Conference will be held in Vancouver and information will be posted on the BC Association of Friendship Centers.
On behalf of BC Metis Federation thank you for the invite BCAAFC and PAYC and our organization will always be there to promote health, culture, family, and community.
BC Métis Federation President Henry concluded;”Thank you Beverley for your work and support to Métis culture and our youth. Your relentless efforts do not go unnoticed and we all appreciate everything you do! I know many Métis youth will be inspired and touched by your efforts and I hope any organization wanting to learn more about Métis culture contacts you as one of the true authentic individuals who can educate and teach true Métis culture.”
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Media Inquiries:
Keith Henry, President
BC Métis Federation
#300-3665 Kingsway Vancouver, BC V5R 5W2
Office 1-604-638-7220
Cell 1-778-388-5013
You can follow BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry on twitter @keithhenryMetis
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/BCMF-Press-Release-March-26th-2013-Youth-Conference.pdf” style=”download”]Download this Letter in PDF format[/ilink]