BC Metis Federation Cultural Event Brings Community And Family Together

(Surrey, BC) The BC Métis Federation hosted a Métis cultural fundraiser at the Tynehead Hall in Surrey yesterday from 3:00 PM – 7:30 PM. The event was arranged and coordinated by Andy McGillis, Norm and Sharon Eyford, and Maxine and Phil Lavallee. The event was attended by approximately 100 guests mainly from across the lower mainland.

The event exceeded expectations and there was fund for all who attended and heard excellent Métis fiddling by Keith Hill and entertainment by Humming Bird DJ who played Métis music throughout the event. BC Metis Federation President Henry stated; “I was extremely pleased with the turn out. Many new BC Métis Federation members and friends who wanted to reconnect with their Métis community. Many people where emotional about how they felt being in attendance.” BC Métis Federation President Henry added; “The event was fun and felt like community. It was completely fun and BC Métis Federation continues to grow in grass roots support, hard to imagine as BC Métis Federation first started from such humble beginnings. So many new faces who have been following the events affecting our Métis people and clearly they are deciding who they want to represent their interests.”

BC Métis Federation President Henry concluded;”I cannot thank our volunteers of Andy McGillis, Norm/Sharon Eyford, and Maxine/Phil Lavallee enough. They worked tirelessly to organize the event which was a major success. I look forward to our next community gathering where those who missed this first cultural fundraising event can attend. All proceeds will go to support the upcoming Métis Identification Summit in Prince George on May 11th and cultural events being organized by the BC Métis Federation. Thank you all who attended!”

To Join the communication wave, press the like button on our-Facebook: www.facebook.com/BCMetis or via Twitter https://twitter.com/Keithhenrymetis.
For more information about the BC Mètis Federation please review our website www.bcmetis.com.

Media Inquiries:
Keith Henry, President
BC Métis Federation
#300-3665 Kingsway Vancouver, BC V5R 5W2
Office 1-604-638-7220
Cell 1-778-388-5013
Email k.henry@bcmetis.com

You can follow BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry on twitter @keithhenryMetis

[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/BCMF-Press-Release-March-11th-2013-Culture-Event-Success.pdf” style=”download”]Download in PDF[/ilink]

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