BC Metis Federation Gathering Following the Rally 3:00 PM Monday, October 22nd, 2012

Tuna and Salmon BBQ – North Saanich BC

The BC Metis Federation invites Metis people to attend a gathering after the event for a salmon/tuna barbecue starting about 3 p.m. The location will be at 9241 Lochside Drive North Saanich BC.

To get there is turn off Pat Bay byway or #17 at Beacon Ave, down Beacon to intersect with 5th street, turn right, and south. 5th turns into Lochside Dr. After Lochside turns away from the sea come up the Bakerveiw Crescent on right. 9241 is directly across on beach side, white stones lining the driveway.

We hope to see our Metis family attend.

Google Map to the BC Salmon/Tuna BBQ on October 22nd 2012

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