BC Metis Federation leadership has continued to use all legal means to ensure the Joint Review Panel assessing the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines project is aware that the large majority of Metis people in BC oppose the project. BC Metis Federation board member Richard Lucier larson attended and presented his views as a former master mariner in opposition to the project in Victoria earlier this week as part of the ongoing hearing process.
There were approximately 140 presenters who registered to share their views alone in Victoria as per the regulatory review process and it is reported that no presentations supported the project in any manner.
This continues to be a significant issue for Metis in BC as MNBC (the other provincial Metis organization) is on record supporting the Enbridge project allegedly on behalf of all Metis in BC, which we know at the BC Metis Federation is not true.
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/Richard-Lucier-larson-Presentation-to-Gateway-Commision-Jan-2013-Last.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to download the Presentation in PDF format.[/ilink]