You are receiving this repeat notice in light of the recent introduction of Bill C-92 and its inexorable movement towards enforcing the retroactive rights for Indigenous Peoples to return their children to their communities. The BC Métis Federation is in the process of undertaking the review of, and, when deemed in the child’s best interests, the return of all children taken from our community by the British Columbia Director of Child, Family, and Community Services and the British Columbia Director of Adoptions.
Should the Federal and Provincial Ministers wish to engage in a cooperative agreement, the BC Métis Federation Governing Board welcomes you to meet and discuss such an agreement to address and enable equal provisions for BCMF children in order to help support predictable, stable, needs-based and secure long-term positive outcomes for our BC Métis Federation Children and their families.
[ilink url=”” style=”download”]To review the full letter click here[/ilink]