BC Métis Federation leaders have sent the following letter on behalf of the membership to congratulate Premier Horgan and his NDP Government sworn in yesterday.
There is a need to expand Métis policy in BC and Canada and the organization is requesting to meet and establish a new relationship that includes all Métis people in BC.
Re: BC Métis Federation Relationship VIA EMAIL
Dear Premier Horgan, Deputy Minister James, and Minister Fraser;
Please accept sincere congratulations as the new Provincial Government in British Columbia on behalf of BC Métis Federation leadership and our thousands of members.
I have had the pleasure of meeting with Deputy Minister Honourable Carole James and Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Honourable Scott Fraser in their former opposition roles on several previous occasions. Our Métis community acknowledges Deputy Minister James’ Métis heritage and understanding of challenges facing the Métis communities, our children and our families today. Similarly Minister Fraser certainly has a strong understanding of the challenges facing all Métis communities in BC through several past discussions.
We are requesting to meet with your new Provincial Government to support a new Provincial Government Métis policy. The former BC Liberal Government Métis policy was based on a one window approach through the Métis Nation BC. This exclusive agenda on the Métis Nation Relationship Accord. This has created an exclusive relationship not based on law or good governance for the Métis people across BC. This has also resulted in traumatic effects on Métis people not associated with the exclusive club. The Métis “SS” foster child case provides a tragic example which we hope can be discussed as part of our agenda going forward.
The BC Métis Federation is seeking to expand and form a more inclusive Métis policy between the Province of BC, Government of Canada, BC Métis Federation and any other Métis organization and service delivery agencies that want to ensure the hard work of protecting and promoting Métis culture and supporting the everyday lives of Métis children and families is improved.
We appreciate that this request to meet is during a challenging time given the current fires in the province. However, BC Métis Federation urges establishing an initial meeting to explore ways we can begin to work together in a new inclusive way for all Métis in BC.
Once again, we extend our heartfelt congratulation to your new Provincial Government in BC. Please be assured that BC Métis Federation wants to support any government who realizes that reconciliation with Indigenous people, including Métis people, will only ever be achieved through inclusive recognition and tangible actions. We all have a long road ahead that will only be resolved by working together.
Please have staff contact me without delay 1-778-388-5013 or email k.henry@bcmetis.com.
Thank you,
Keith Henry
BC Métis Federation
#300 – 3665 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC
Telephone: (604) 638-7220
cc BC Métis Federation Board Members
Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
BC Métis Federation Members
[ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/BC-Metis-Federation-Letter-to-BC-Government-Congrats-July-2017.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to view this letter as a downloadable PDF.[/ilink]