BC Metis Federation member wins logo contest for “Twin Sisters Native Plant Nursery”

Earlene Bitterman, a Metis Community member of the BC Metis Federation, visited the West Moberly and Saulteau First Nations yesterday to see the final logo print out of the “Twin Sisters Native Plant Nursery”. The Native Plant nursery was named after the Twin Sisters Mountains an important spiritual location situated near the greenhouse site in Moberly Lake, BC.

Located between the two First Nations partners, Saulteau First Nations and West Moberly First Nations, the plants cultivated at the greenhouse will be used for post-mine life land reclamation at Walter Energy and other industry operations. The three-way partnership on this greenhouse project was announced in November 2011 and a contest was held to find a Logo for the nursery that honoured the significance of the greenhouse to the local First Nations communities.


Earlene Stated, “I look forward to touring this project at the grand opening in the Spring of 2014. It is a worthwhile project to rehabilitate the Natural plant life, and involve the community in rehabilitation after Industry has developed an area. ” Earlene intends to use the 500.00 prize award to buy more computer animation software for the Michif Language Project under development this winter.

[ilink url=”https://www.michiflanguage.ca” style=”download”]Michif Language Website[/ilink]
[ilink url=”https://www.royalroads.ca/news-releases/new-training-partnership-native-plant-growing” style=”download”]Learn more about the Twin Sisters Native Plants nursery in Northern BC[/ilink]

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