BC Métis Federation Off To a Great Start with First Regional Gathering in Nanaimo
(Nanaimo, BC) The BC Métis Federation began their Regional Gatherings entitled A New Beginning held last night in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island at the Coast Bastion Hotel. There were about twenty five (25) people in attendance with representation from Campbell River, Duncan, Sydney, Sunshine Coast and Nanaimo. This was the first of seven BC Métis Federation led Regional Gatherings being held throughout BC between March 3rd and May 19th.
The BC Métis Federation presented a thorough review of how the BC Métis Federation came to be, discussed why and how the BC Métis Federation will rebuild Métis governance, and discussed key issues such as Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines Project. The evening included a BC Métis Federation overview of membership, culture and the importance of education. There was a number of questions and points of views presented by the participants.
BC Métis Federation President Henry stated, “This was a great start as we continue rebuilding Métis governance in BC. People attended on their own, enjoyed food, and had an opportunity to celebrate our Métis culture and share their stories of being Métis with one another.”
President Henry added, “The focus on the minds of many grassroots Métis people continues to be how we ensure the financial and governance mistakes of the past can never happen again as we see each day at the MNBC. There was an audible groan when from some of the participants as they realized the level of insolvency at the MNBC, an organization many of these people believed in at one time and one of the main reasons the BC Métis Federation stressed the need for rebuilding. As such the Métis participants in attendance confirmed their commitment to ensure that any provincial Métis governing body must ensure the voice of the Métis people are heard. To that end the participants completed a BC Métis Federation governance and Enbridge survey as part of identifying their views as part of last night’s process. During conversation there was also considerable concern expressed about the MNBC relationship with Enbridge and any potential MNBC support on behalf of the Métis people of BC for the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines Project. The participants realized the devastating impact to First Nation relationships the MNBC is creating for Métis people in BC as a result of the current position in relation to the controversial Enbridge project.”
President Henry concluded, “The BC Métis Federation is excited with this great start and we look forward to the next session being held in Surrey on March 17th. It is at the Sheraton Guilford Hotel located at 15269 104th Avenue starting at 6:00 PM and we hope to have attendance from Métis people throughout the lower mainland. Everyone is welcome. The BC Métis Federation will carry forward explaining membership, governance, and how people can have meaningful say in reshaping Métis governance in BC. It was obvious the Métis people who attended in Nanaimo last night have no interest in wasting any more time supporting the MNBC, the MNBC debt, and the MNBC inability to move the
Métis rights agenda forward. What these Métis participants wanted was to unite and build pride for our families, children and communities for the future. The BC Métis Federation will make this happen.”
For more information about the upcoming Regional Gatherings being held throughout BC please go to the BC Métis Federation website www.bcmetis.com.
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/BCMF-Press-Release-March-4th-2012.pdf” style=”download”]Download this Press Release in PDF[/ilink]
Media Inquiries:
Keith Henry
BC Métis Federation
#300-3665 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC V5R 5W2
Office 1-604-638-7220
Cell 1-778-388-5013
Email k.henry@bcmetis.com
You can now follow BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry on twitter @keithhenryMetis