BC Metis Federation and partners will be once again hosting a Metis cultural booth this weekend on Saturday, May 25th and Sunday, May 26th at Swanguard Stadium in Burnaby, BC. This is the second year in a row that BC Metis Federation has supported Metis participation given our cultural connections to many European communities.
The Metis Silver Tip Swingers will be performing at 11:00 AM on the stage Saturday, May 25th.
Thank you to the Michif Historical and Cultural Preservation Society for their partnership together to promote Metis culture.
[ilink url=”https://eurofestbcsociety.com/participating-nations/” style=”download”]BC Metis Federation Participating Nations Link[/ilink]
[ilink url=”https://eurofestbcsociety.com/festival-2013-details/” style=”download”]Eurofest Event Details[/ilink]