BC Metis Federation President Keith Henry provided a presentation today at BCIT Burnaby Campus. The presentation was part of the Aboriginal speaker series and supported by the BCIT Aboriginal department.
The presentation provided insight into how the BC Metis Federation came to be, insight into Metis definition and future implications of the Daniel’s case, plus shared the vision of the future for BC Metis Federation. The presentation was broadcast throughout the BCIT campuses in British Columbia and there were several questions as follow up.
BC Metis Federation will provide a link on our website once BCIT releases the recorded presentation later this week. Today BC Metis Federation is sharing a copy of the presentation for the public. BC Metis Federation thanks the BCIT Aboriginal department for their interest and Metis engagement.
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/BC-Metis-Federation-Rebuilding-Strategic-Plan-FINAL-January-2013-1.pdf” style=”download”]BC Metis Federation Rebuilding Strategic Plan FINAL January 2013[/ilink]