BC Metis Federation Regional Gathering Final Report – Metis People from Across BC Engage

The BC Metis Federation is pleased to provide a the final report from the recent Regional Gathering – A New Way Forward initiative. This was a three months intensive regional and community based consultation effort where BC Metis Federation representatives arranged a serious of community meetings and information sessions. The main objectives was to discuss Metis governance and seek further clarification regarding the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines project.

The BC Metis Federation is proud of this major accomplishment and commitment to Metis communities and cultural support. Through this process BC Metis Federation was able to connect with 312 Metis people from several communities throughout BC. The findings and seven major recommendations are defined and reinforce the legitimate role of the BC Metis Federation as a true democratic alternative in BC.

Thank you to all who participated and attended to share their views in our continued efforts to ensure true Metis governance in BC.

[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/BCMF-Regional-Gatherings-March-May-2012-FINAL-REPORT.pdf” style=”download”]BCMF Regional Gatherings March – May 2012 FINAL REPORT[/ilink]

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