BC Métis Federation is notifying members that the organization submitted a new document as an approved intervenor for the Trans Mountain Reconsideration review by the National Energy Board.
The National Energy Board is reviewing 4 key areas of reconsideration; Indigenous consultation, marine shipping/air quality, air quality/human health, and finally marine shipping/water quality/wildlife.
The report outlines and provides the National Energy Board twelve recommendations in these reconsideration areas by the BC Métis Federation.
We strongly encourage members to review and be informed as this report was completed as a result of the combination of existing Métis knowledge holders as well as recent community meetings.
[ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/BCMF_TMX-Reconsideration_Dec_03-1.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to review the BC Métis Federation’s Trans Mountain Project Reconsideration Hearing Order MH-052-2018 NEB File OF-Fac-Oil-T260-2013-03 59 Métis Knowledge Assessment Final Report.[/ilink]