BC Metis Federation and Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines Project entered into a Letter of Understanding in February 2014 to consult with members of partner communities affected by the proposed project.
As we know the Federal Government is preparing to make a decision in next month in June. Therefore be sure to read the report and review the recommendations, Enbridge must respect the 209 conditions and over 70 relate to Aboriginal engagement.
BC Metis Federation coordinated a series of community meetings and the outcomes and findings have been identified in the report. BC Metis Federation has submitted to Enbridge earlier this week and is now posting for the members to ensure full transparency.
[ilink url=”[ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/BCMF-LOU-Enbridge-Consulation-Report-May-11th-2014-FINAL.pdf” style=”download”]BCMF LOU Enbridge Consulation Report May 11th, 2014 FINAL[/ilink]