The BC Métis Federation is pleased to announce the release of its new Strategic Plan for 2021-2024. The non-profit society has a strong mission to work with integrity and collaboration towards the advancement of Métis knowledge, language, culture, wellness, and self-determination today and for future generations.
During the Fall of 2020, the Strategic Plan was developed through a combination of reviewing internal and public-facing organizational documents and engaging members through surveys, one-on-one conversations, and meetings. Through this process, three priority areas were identified:
1) Capacity building
2) Member and community support
3) Métis resurgence
Under each of the priority areas are a series of specific strategies and concrete outputs have been designed. Appended to the Plan are survey results, as well as the updated organizational chart that includes new positions that will increase organizational capacity to deliver, as it continues to see growth in its membership and activities. The Strategic Plan sets out a clear roadmap for the BC Métis Federation over the next three years.
To read the full release click here
To review the new Strategic Plan click here