BC Metis Federation Statement Re Federal Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Resignation

BC Metis Federation is not surprised about the resignation by the former Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation Honourable John Duncan under new allegations. Federal Minister Duncan was ineffective as the Federal Minister to address over 40 direct requests in the last 18 months from BC Metis Federation. He refused to meet despite repeated requests to his office in Ottawa and his constituency office on Vancouver Island. Therefore it comes as no surprise and it appears he is being forced to resign because of an alleged lack of judgement by him advocating and using his role in a personal matter with Canada Revenue Agency.

Under his leadership there has been an overall increase in growing tensions in Canada with Aboriginal people. In fact the current overall frustration has reached levels not seen for decades. Regardless BC Metis Federation has filed a human rights complaint naming former Minister Duncan and we intend to hold him to account through due process.

BC Metis Federation anticipates that Prime Minister Harper will ensure the current relationship with Aboriginal people will not improve due to the manner in which the Federal Government continues their behaviors regardless of who serves as the future Federal Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.

BC Metis Federation wants Metis to remember this Minister also recently announced the appeal by the Federal Government of the landmark Daniels Case.

John Duncan Resignation

[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/duncan-statement.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to Download John Duncan’s Resignation.[/ilink]

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