BC Métis Federation Strengthens Partnership with the Office of the Minister of Natural Resources

On Tuesday, BC Métis Federation Vice President Rene Therrien, Secretary Joe Desjarlais, board member Earl Belcourt, board member Angel Fisher, Treasurer Betty Fisher and operational staff members Sherry Daniels and Drake Henry met with Honourable Minister Amarjeet Sohi along with Cheryl Cardinal, Director of Indigenous Relations and reconciliation and Kimberly Lavoie, Executive Director, Phase IV Partnerships Office from the Office of the Minister of Natural Resources.

BC Métis Federation Vice President Therrien thanked the Minister and his office for meeting with the BC Metis Federation and for the ongoing engagement and TMX consultations. He specifically thanked Natural Resources Canada team members including Anna Classen, Sophia Royale and Mitch Taylor for their participation. Vice President Therrien discussed the recent successful economic forum and reviewed the recommendations going forward.

[ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/BC-Metis-Federation-Release-July-24th-2019-Minister-Sohi-Meeting.pdf” style=”download”]To read the full release click here.[/ilink]

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