(Vancouver, BC) The Province is British Columbia prepares for the 40th General Election on May 14th, 2013 and last night was the one and only television leadership debates in this campaign. The stakes were high as the NDP party continues to hold a strong lead in current opinion polling.
The four main party leaders were invited to the debate; Conservative Party leader John Cummings, Liberal Leader Christy Clark (incumbent Premier), NDP Party Leader Adrian Dix, and Green Party Leader Jane Sterk spent 90 minutes addressing moderator questions and one on one debates. Current reporting following the leadership debate is mixed as the election heads into day 15. One Ipsos Reid poll indicates that over 33% found NDP leader Adrian Dix the most believable with incumbent Premier Clark only at 21%. BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry stated, “The debate was one of the few opportunities for Métis people to hear the leaders first hand. Métis people are interested in the economy, education, pipelines, and many other current issues. On May 14th approximately 40,000 Métis people will vote for their candidate and party. After watching the debate it appears the NDP leader continues to lead and their strength in polling is understandable. NDP Adrian Dix appeared to be the most believable to myself and made several strong points without resorting to negative attacks. Current Premier Clark seemed to be on the defensive most of the evening and her answers where often not direct.”
BC Métis Federation President Henry added, “As Métis people we have made a number of attempts to work with the current Provincial Liberal Government and many of us know first hand that current Premier Clark and her Liberal Ministers of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation have refused to address financial issues, lack of open governance, proper Métis children and family service support, and many other issues in our Nation. This lack of meaningful action and respectful engagement has forced the BC Métis Federation to file the first ever human rights claim against the Province in January 2013 because of many serious issues.”
BC Métis Federation President Henry concluded, “I congratulate all party leaders last night for their efforts. Our members have the right to vote freely and independently and we encourage all Métis people to take our issues forward to all current provincial candidates from all parties. I know how I will vote on May 14th and watching the leadership debate last night further reinforced my opinion why change for the better is necessary in BC. I truly believe NDP leader Dix has maintained his lead and was the victor last night.”
For more information about the please go to the BC Métis Federation website www.bcmetis.com.
Media Inquiries:
Keith Henry
BC Métis Federation
#300-3665 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC V5R 5W2
Office 1-604-638-7220
Cell 1-778-388-5013
Email k.henry@bcmetis.com
You can now follow BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry on twitter @keithhenryMetis
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/BCMF-Press-Release-April-30th-2013-NDP-Continues-Strong-Showing.pdf” style=”download”]BCMF Press Release April 30th, 2013 NDP Continues Strong Showing[/ilink]