Beth Goulet-Hillier is a proud Metis woman from Merritt, BC who has been involved with the Metis community for years. She joined the chorus of MNBC card holders leaving the MNBC in light of the continued developments in a letter to MNBC Registrar Laurel Katernick. Her letter reveals the MNBC interference in Merritt and the mismanagement of the entire registry and legal societies. Much like across BC, MNBC has done nothing in Merritt for years and she makes a strong case about her frustration and honest disappointment.
In Her letter to Laurel Katernick, “This prompted me to call President Bruce Dumont at which time; he explained to me that the local community of Merritt had been disbanded and that Merritt’s community members had been shifted over to the community of Ashcroft or Lillooet BC. This happened without notification to the members in the community, of Merritt.”
BC Metis Federation thanks Beth for standing up and ensuring MNBC cannot use her name any further.
Download the Full letter
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/Beth-Goulet-Hiller-MNBC-Termination-Letter-February-1st-2013.pdf” style=”download”]Beth Goulet-Hiller MNBC Termination Letter February 1st, 2013[/ilink]