The BC Métis Federation is happy to report that the national coalition that joined forces for the exoneration of Louis Riel has received support from another major partner this weekend. The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) wrote to Prime Minister Trudeau to support the coalition and the exoneration of Louis Riel. You can read their letter below…
November 12, 2020
The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister of Canada
Langevin Block
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
RE: Exoneration of Louis Riel
Dear Prime Minister,
On behalf of the Canadian Teacher’s Federation (CTF/FCE) I am writing to urge the government of Canada to support the exoneration (not merely the pardon) of Louis Riel, the iconic hero of Métis across the country.
As an Alliance of Member Organizations representing over 300,000 teachers in every province and territory, the CTF/FCE’s mission is to serve as a unified voice for teacher organizations in Canada on education and related social issues. That is why we are proud to support the demand of the national coalition led by Paulette Duguay, President of the Union nationale métisse Saint- Joseph du Manitoba, to declare Louis Riel innocent.
On November 11, 2020 the Quebec National Assembly unanimously adopted a motion calling on the Federal Government to exonerate Louis Riel. The 135th anniversary since his death presents a reckoning of our past actions, but it is also opportunity to begin undoing and correcting decades and even centuries-long injustices imposed upon our country’s Métis.
You have the chance to place the nation on the right side of history by exonerating Louis Riel.
Shelley L. Morse
Minister Marc Miller, via email
Minister Bennett, via email
Click here to view the Canadian Teacher’s Federation letter in PDF format.