BC Métis Federation Congratulates the Cowichan Valley Métis Nation (CVMN) located in Duncan, BC.
The Métis community based organization has completed additional Michif Language resources for the public and as are pleased to share and support.
BC Métis Federation also acknowledges the excellent work of our member Earlene Bitterman who contributed to this project.
The Cowichan Valley Métis Michif Project Coordinators are pleased to announce the completion of our third language DVD, Speak Michif III.
The DVD content was developed in order to support the preservation and revitalization of Métis language. Studies have shown that the younger you are the easier it is to learn language. For this reason our concept for the DVD’s was developed to specifically target children; however, a person of any age can learn basic Michif language from the DVD’s.
The Michif taught in this DVD is the dialect spoken by our elder, Stella Johnson. The beautiful art work and web design was created and developed by Earlene Bitterman. We would like to thank the Sullivan’s, Shaylyn, Owen and David, for volunteering to participate in the “Meeting Someone New” segment.
We would also like to acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Heritage/Patrimoine canadien Aboriginal Language Initiative whose support made this project possible.
Copies of the new Speak Michif III will be distributed to BC provincial Metis organizations to share with their community members. You can also access the content of the three DVD’s on the web at www.michiflanguage.ca
Michif Language Coordinators
Marilyn Bean Jan Ovans May 2015 Cowichan Valley Métis Nation 60 Queens Road Duncan, BC V9L 2W4 Phone (250) 746-6146 Fax (250) 597-4766