Continued Support for Partner Communities

(Fort St. John, BC) BC Metis Federation is continuing their ongoing work to support Métis communities by attending the Fort St. John Métis Society (FSJMS) Annual General Meeting (AGM) earlier this evening. There were twenty eight (28) registered members in attendance and the agenda dealt with a number of items including the election of a number of new board members, reporting on the current financial status of the FSJMS, and other reports.

BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry supported with board member from Hudson Hope Earlene Bitterman attended to provide information and show ongoing support. The BC Métis Federation update focused on a number of key updates including a brief discussion on the Daniels Case, Summer of Cultural activities in BC, plus an announcement of another contribution to the FSJMS of $2000.00 to assist a proposed Louis Riel Day event being planned in November 2014.

BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry stated; “It was a great honour to be requested to chair the FSJMS meeting and provide a BC Métis Federation update. The discussions were all respectful and focused on what is best for the community, including longer term sustainability. FSJMS is requiring ongoing capacity support and this is important for culture and community coming together for Métis people and families in Fort St. John and area.”

BC Métis Federation President Henry concluded, “BC Mètis Federation sends our congratulations to the new FSMJS President Jacqueline Alderking and the new board members Rusty Ransom, Shane Olanski, and Teresa Podolecki. I know together we all need to rally and support the newly elected board to ensure future sustainability. These are not easy roles but important to ensure Métis culture lives on for our future generations.”

For more information about BC Métis Federation check out the website @

Media Inquiries:
Keith Henry, President
BC Métis Federation
#300-3665 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC V5R 5W2
Office 1-604-638-7220
Cell 1-778-388-5013

You can now follow BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry on twitter @keithhenryMetis

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