Elders Committee Finalizing Michif Language Revitalization Project Report

BC Métis Federation was funded by Heritage Canada through the Aboriginal Languages Initiative program to support Michif language teaching and learning. A decision was made by Vice President Rene Therrien, who was asked to lead the project, to move from annual tool development to complete a new approach entitled the Michif Language Revitalization Project. This new approach required membership/community engagement, establishment of the BC Métis Federation Elders Committee, linguistic professional, and other key steps.

This past weekend the Elders Committee reviewed the final draft of the BC Métis Federation Michif Language Revitalization Final Draft Report. The appointed Métis elders have created a pathway to ensure more effective retention of our Michif Language for our members in BC. The report has identified the recommended course of actions for the education sector, local Métis communities and increased youth interaction.

To review the full release, click here.

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