Emotional Termination of MNBC Citizenship Card by Beverly Lambert

Well known Métis cultural leader Beverly Lambert recently sent a letter to MNBC President Bruce Dumont terminating her MNBC Citizenship Card. This was a major step for Beverly and her letter outlines her reasons for this major decision. BCMF supports Beverly in her decision and hopes Métis people read her statements carefully to understand her reasons and how many of us in BC likely feel the same way today. Her letter is below.

Dear Bruce,

Please be advised that effective immediately that as Métis citizen in good standing under citizenship #07201536 of the Métis Nation British Columbia, I formally resign my current citizenship, and association and any future participation with Métis Nation British Columbia, it representatives and agents.

As per Article Five of the MNBC Citizenship Act – VOLUNTARY REMOVAL FROM REGISTRY

    • 5.0 A Métis Citizen may, at any time, voluntarily remove himself or herself from the Registry;
    • 5.1 The Registrar shall remove a Métis Citizen who, by written request, declares that he or she no longer wishes to be registered as a Métis Citizen;

Therefore this letter and attached information serves as my official notification of my demand for our “Voluntary Removal from Registry” in accordance with the MNBC Citizenship Act. I do not recognize MNBC has neither legitimate authority nor right to purport to represent my interests as a legitimate Section 35 Métis person. I would like MNBC to remove me from any current proposals to either the Federal or Provincial Government wherein MNBC uses to identified needs and benefits through delivering programs and services.

MNBC must not utilize ANY of my personal information that may have in your possession and I am requesting ALL files related to be sent to my address below. Should MNBC not immediately respond and return all information I will considered this a breach of personal information within the “PIPEDA” (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act) of Canada and take necessary steps. Therefore any further or continued Collection, Use or Disclosure of my Personal Information will result in a formal complaint filed by myself to the “Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada” to ensure my “withdrawal of consent to collect, use and disclosure of personal information ” is enforced.

By way of my intentions you will find enclosed my MNBC citizenship #07201536 card which I voluntary surrender and have taken steps to ensure they are not put into circulation.

If you wish to address Metis Citizens as disgruntled, club members, this is so disrespectful coming from a President and I am done with this unhealthy attitude. I give back my card and take back my Pride!!!

Dear Metis Citizens,

For the record this decision has come easy for me, I stick by my family values because truthfully that is all people will remember about ourselves when we leave this earth. The recent passing of my father has made me realize that I have to bring this message forward to all Métis people in BC. He said; “Respect my girl, help and do right by thee neighbors.” This line has more meaning for me than you people at MNBC could ever know.

I recall watching the MNBC AGM last year when the microphones were shut off, people were chastised, elders and youth used by the MNBC for voting and paid delegates not really understanding what is going. I realize today that there is no use going anymore to any future MNBC meetings because I do not have a voice or vote anymore. MNBC might as well bring out the duct tape. I felt like crying when our National Anthem was playing at the MNBC AGM last year and the verse “Never more forgotten People”. I thought why do I feel this way among my own Nation? At the last MNGA all the MNBC leaders even had their backs turned on the Métis people and how symbolic I thought this was. A few MNBC paid people get together and pretend they speak for all Métis people. There is no real consultation and input for our people and it is truly an injustice when I see governments think these few people have a legitimate mandate. Let me make this very clear to all Governments MNBC does not represent all Metis Citizens!

For the last 2 years I watched MNBC disrespect many Métis people and frankly it is shameful.

In my own situation, I sat like a silent as a mouse, wondering why the MNBC was not speaking to me anymore especially through the whole 2010 Olympics and I just let it ride for 8 months. But remember I have been on the Metis trail for many years through the Province. I promote Métis culture with all my heart regardless of political issues. I tried not to stay in hotels because I am old fashioned and need to know my neighbors. We ate together, shared stories and I even made bannock for many of our people. So, I listened and watched carefully and eventually realized, many others where feeling the same way. It was like our culture and communities did not exist anymore, nor did MNBC care. Out of respect for myself, I believe that this is like an abusive relationship. MNBC does not want us to talk or say anything or you will be kicked out and verbally attacked by their supporters. Well, my father left this earth but he sure raised a “Proud Metis Woman” and I will allow no one to disrespect me or take away my voice. I will not sit on the fence while MNBC collects money on my behalf to abuse our Citizens and hire more Consultants to make their garden look good, till next year and they are gone.

MNBC has spent tons of money to shut everyone up, look at the financials, the proof is there!! MNBC has never really sat down and tried to solve the problems and consult like families do? They do not support communities we never see them answer direct questions.

Bruce, Dave and the rest of the board, you have all invited me to spend time with your families and have shown me your kind hospitality and will never be forgotten, those where special memories.

But, when friends turn your back for no reason, I ask myself, did they really care, it hurts and it was your choice to walk away from someone who truly believes in reviving our culture and helping people to

“Be Proud of Who They Are.” Now I have to move on and do positive things for our People

The BCMF are a strong team of grassroots Metis people who really care about our people and future. I am honored to be a part of a New Beginning with them. We shall gather our Metis families again with Honesty and Integrity. We are not terrorist or disgruntled employees this is your way of getting people to look the other way.


Have you ever watched a how a bunch of crows work together when they want something?

One will keep squawking at you–while the other 6 are in the corner stealing food from you.

Well, not for me folks I have seen ENOUGH.

Bruce do not make this a personal matter between Keith Henry, he did not write those cheques, or make the decisions to ignore and cause conflict in our family and communities.

Congratulations to the Métis Community Presidents who stuck to the facts and have removed their Charter with MNBC. When you sit on the train to long, nothing is accomplished; It is only the people and Community who will suffer and believe me most of them have no place to go Now! They should all have a gathering place for elders and children to reunite and celebrate our vibrate Culture. The BCMF Team and I personally promise to walk side by side with the communities and do everything in our power to make this a reality. This will build a strong Proud Nation.

This school is only for the Lower Mainland office and an Employment Service for the Province.

I would encourage all citizens to stop watching the dog chase his tail. Stand up and let them know they cannot use your name to gain funds from Government, then turn around and use it to sue or use consultants to deceive us. I am done with this cycle. There is no respect anymore.

In closing MNBC has failed the people in my opinion and today people throughout BC are starting to personally feel the results as tuitions payments remain outstanding for approved students, the MNBC organizational debt surges, outstanding taxes, the inability to produce accurate MNBC Board of Director minutes, and political maneuvering by you and your supporters to ensure proper community input is not obtained.

You and this board have dismissed several calls for your resignations, dismissed information and solutions provided to MNBC, and taken legal action to intimidate your very MNBC citizenship card holders.

Shame on you and the MNBC Board.

So, all Citizens do not judge me for respecting myself. The next time I attend a community event I will open my arms to each and every one of you because I am Proud of you, elders, our children, we need to make the right choices together for a PROUD strong Nation.

Infinity means (forever) that is me with COMMUNITY.∞

Till we meet again, God blesses you all and let us be good respectful human beings.

Yours Truly,

Proud To Be Metis

Beverly Lambert

British Columbia Métis Federation

Metis Cultural Ambassador


[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/Sept-13-2011-MNBC-Termination-Letter-PDF.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to download this letter in PDF format.[/ilink]


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