Enbridge Northern Gateway Proposed Project Update

BC Metis Federation is sharing a link to a news release from the Green Party yesterday regarding how the Federal Government appears to be supporting the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines Project.

BC Metis Federation is non partisan but recognizes the importance of the information provided yesterday by the Green Party in relation to the overall Metis opposition to this project.

To review the Green Party press release and video presentation from MP Elizabeth May click here.

[ilink url=”https://elizabethmaymp.ca/federal-spending-supporting-enbridge-tanker-plans” style=”download”]Green Party reveals over $100 million federal spending supporting Enbridge tanker plans[/ilink]
[ilink url=”https://www.timescolonist.com/business/greens-say-federal-government-spending-money-to-help-enbridge-s-pipeline-plans-1.611976″ style=”download”]Times Colonist Article ~ Greens Say Government spending Money on Enbridge Pipeline[/ilink]

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