Enbridge Response Dated December 11th to BC Métis Federation Lacks Substance

The BC Métis Federation was not surprised last week to get a legalistic letter from Enbridge representatives regarding the serious concerns related to Métis consultation regarding the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines Project.

For those following this story Enbridge representatives sent a letter to the BC Métis Federation dated November 14th in response to the extensive letter of comment submitted by the BC Métis Federation in August 2012 to the Joint Review Panel. The November Enbridge response was political in nature suggesting that MNBC was the authority for all Métis people in the province.

BC Métis Federation responded December 6th which was immediately followed by another Enbridge correspondence dated December 11th. BC Métis Federation was disappointed that the recent Enbridge letter does not clarify their view of MNBC authority and incorrect public information as requested by BC Métis Federation. The fact is the Provincial Government policy regarding Métis rights does not specifically recognize any legal standing of MNBC or their membership so the position of Enbridge remains unclear.

Regardless BC Métis Federation provided further clarification yesterday in the hope Enbridge representatives, and other industry working with Métis communities, will reconsider their position in the future given the ongoing challenges.


[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/BC-Metis-Federation-Letter-to-Enbridge-December-17th-2012.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to download the BC Métis Federation Letter to Enbridge December 17. [/ilink]

[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/Enbridge-letter-to-BCMF-December-11th-2012.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to download the Enbridge letter to BCMF December 11th, 2012. [/ilink]

[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/BC-Metis-Federation-Letter-to-CEAA-NEB-BCEAO-May-2nd-20121.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to download the BC Métis Federation Letter to CEAA, NEB, BCEAO  – May 2nd. [/ilink]


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