Enbridge Response to BC Metis Federation Reveals True Character of Company – Unethical and Inconsistent

The BC Metis Federation is providing a copy of a letter and backup information sent to Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines Project representatives yesterday in response to their November 14th correspondence. The latest Enbridge letter sent November 14th appears to be suggesting Enbridge will also now dictate who will be consulted regarding the controversial Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project that we know today faces strong Metis opposition from Metis people. The character of Enbridge has come under intense scrutiny regarding their relationships with Aboriginal communities because of such dive and conquer tactics.

The Enbridge response is dictatorial and clearly does not understand the asserted rights of Metis in the Province in British Columbia and these rights are not exclusive to a political organizations such as MNBC. BC Metis Federation points out the obvious contradiction in the latest Enbridge statements and strongly encourages Metis people to speak out given these types of situations.

MNBC does not represent all Metis people and this is why BC Metis Federation continues to encourage Metis people to stand up and immediately stop this corruption. You can do this by terminating any existing relationship with MNBC, writing letters to government about these situations, and posting your comments on the BC Metis Federation website to share your thoughts. .

No industry company such as Enbridge has any right to suggest only MNBC represents your interests. It is time we all stood strong and addressed these issues of representation once and for all.

Keith Henry
British Columbia Metis Federation

[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/BC-Metis-Federation-Letter-to-Enbridge-December-6th-2012.pdf” style=”download”]BC Metis Federation Letter to Enbridge December 6th, 2012[/ilink]
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/Enbridge-letter-to-BCMF-November-14th-2012.pdf” style=”download”]Enbridge letter to BCMF November 14th, 2012[/ilink]
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/MNBC-Community-and-Committee-Correspondences-8-letters-August-9th-20121.pdf” style=”download”]MNBC Community and Committee Correspondences 8 letters August 9th, 2012[/ilink]
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/Other-Mètis-Community-Correspondences-2-letters-August-9th-20121.pdf” style=”download”]Other Mètis Community Correspondences 2 letters August 9th, 20122[/ilink]
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/Survey_Results-_Enbridge_Nothern_Gateway_Pipelines_Project12.pdf” style=”download”]Survey_Results-_Enbridge_Nothern_Gateway_Pipelines_Project[/ilink]

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