BC Metis Federation is advising members and partners today about steps taken as a result of recent actions spearheaded by the First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC).
BC Metis Federation is responding to a letter received from the FNLC dated October 4th. FNLC felt compelled to write as a result of prior efforts by the BC Metis Federation to ensure our Metis members were included in the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (DRIPA) and draft implementation work proposed by the Province of BC. You can view our letter to Minister Rankin here.
BC Metis Federation leadership was disappointed by the FNLC correspondence and has sent a letter today to address our concerns. We hope for more respectful recognition in BC in the future.
BC Metis Federation demands that reconciliation in BC must include all Indigenous people in BC.
To read the FNLC letter of October 4th click here.
To read the the BC Metis Federation letter of October 12th click here.