For the Record…On Metis Identity and Citizenship within the Metis Nation

BC Metis Federation is sharing a paper written by former Metis Nation of Ontario President Tony Belcourt that was released in February 2013. This paper describes in great deal the origins of Metis representative governments across Canada and how they evolved. Tony wrote the paper in response to articles written by Metis National Council President Clement Chartier who was sharing information about his views on Metis identity and governance that are founded on information not quite historically accurate according to Mr. Belcourt.

This is an excellent read and brings light to the historical context and views on Metis identity and governance. BC Metis Federation found this document especially relevant in light of the issues facing Metis people in BC. Unfortunately many current Metis leaders do not understand the historic significance of the original vision and ideas of Metis identity and true representatives governments for the betterment of all. MNC President Chartier, like his counter part at Metis Nation British Columbia President Bruce Dumont, are selectively informing the Metis public at large about some of the most important issues of our time.

We strongly encourage people to read this article.

[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/For-the-Record_apsjournal-1.pdf” style=”download”]For the Record by Tony Belcourt[/ilink]
[ilink url=”” style=”download”]Tony Belcourt Biography[/ilink]

Reference Material Halfbreeds Who have Withdrawn from Treaty
[ilink url=”” style=”download”]June 1 1888 List of Halfbreeds who have withdrawn from Treaty[/ilink]
[ilink url=”” style=”download”]July 21 1886 List of Halfbreeds who have withdrawn from Treaty[/ilink]
[ilink url=”″ style=”download”]Memorandum of Halfbreeds 1892[/ilink]

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