(Vancouver, BC) A number of Métis people continue to take a sobering second thought about their relationship with the Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC). Many individuals have terminated their MNBC citizenship cards in the past year in light of the growing issues related their financial mismanagement, policy decisions, and lack of proper governance. Today MNBC continues to claim they represent all Métis people in BC. Last census figures suggest there are approximately 60,000 Métis people in BC. The MNBC registration has received millions in support since 2004 yet despite years of capacity support MNBC has conflicting reports in the actual MNBC card carrying holders and today it is estimated to be about 6000.
Mr. Maurice Lavallee is a Métis person from Vernon and he has ben involved in the Vernon and District Métis Association for some time. He was formally a proud MNBC citizenship card holder but chose to terminate his MNBC citizenship card in a letter he sent to MNBC President Dumont last week. A copy of his letter has been provided to the BC Métis Federation in an effort to raise public awareness about these situations for all Métis people in BC.
BC Métis Federation President Henry stated, “I want to applaud Mr. Maurice Lavallee for his courage to write directly to MNBC President Bruce Dumont last week to express his views and termination of his MNBC citizenship card. He reflects the sentiment of a growing feeling throughout British Columbia . Mr. Lavallee letter speaks for itself. His identifies the ongoing deception he has seen directly from MNBC leader and he is especially frustrated with the MNBC support of the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines Project.”
President Henry added, “We are seeing a definite increase in our BC Métis Federation membership cards as Métis people have a right to express themselves and who they want to represent their interests. These Métis people are sending a loud message by these MNBC citizenship card termination letters. Bruce and the MNBC will likely dismiss these as they have for the last few years. Consider the MNBC’s latest newsletter sent out last week. MNBC is suddenly organizing MNBC led regional meetings, right before their next MNBC election in September? We invited MNBC representatives to our current BC Métis Federation Regional Gatherings and MNBC has yet to share any factual information to dispute our claims? Where have they been the last four years when it counted? This is just another indirect way to fund future MNBC board members to have a paid pre-campaign, nothing else because they realize they need to get re-elected!”
President Henry concluded, “I want to thank Mr. Maurice Lavallee for his courage and hopefully other Métis people realize they too can send a message to the MNBC but such an approach. Mr. Lavallee listened carefully to MNBC leaders and realized for himself that MNBC was not being honest. He gave MNBC an opportunity to prove BC Métis Federation wrong and MNBC never has and never will. MNBC actions continue to showcase why Métis people must move on without a dysfunctional organization. Whether you think of how MNBC President Dumont threatened our board members, increasing the MNBC financial dent by an estimated $1 million this last fiscal year, or so much more. We all need to move on.”
For more information about BC Métis Federation please review the BC Métis Federation website www.bcmetis.com
Media Inquiries:
Keith Henry
BC Métis Federation
#300-3665 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC V5R 5W2
Office 1-604-638-7220
Cell 1-778-388-5013
Email k.henry@bcmetis.com
You can now follow BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry on twitter @keithhenryMetis
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/BCMF-Press-Release-April-29th-2012.pdf” style=”download”]Download this Letter in PDF format[/ilink]
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/Maurice_Lavallee-April-2012.pdf” style=”download”]Maurice_Lavallee April 2012 Letter to MNBC[/ilink]