Former Provincial NDP Leader Carole James One on One with Keith Henry on CFRO Métis Matters Radio Show This Wednesday

(Vancouver, BC) Former provincial NDP leader and sitting MLA for Victoria Beacon Hill Carole James will make a guest appearance with substitute Métis Matter Radio Show host Keith Henry this Wednesday June 1st 2011 on CFRO 102.7 and on live stream.

Ms. James has Métis ancestry and the focus of the questions from Keith Henry will be around her culture and heritage and the impact that background has had on her career and family life. Carole James was born in Dukinfeld, Cheshire England and raised in North Battleford Saskatchewan before moving to Victoria. Among her many political triumphs was the 2005 election, her first as NDP leader in which she garnered 41.52% of the popular vote a stunning increase of 19.9% from 2001. Under her leadership in the 2005 election the NDP gained 33 of the 79 seats in the BC legislature.


[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/ccmc_press_release_june_2nd_2011_james1-1.pdf” style=”download”]CCMC Press Release 2011[/ilink]


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