IAMC-TMX Requests for Proposals – Executive Director and Senior Science Advisor

On behalf of the Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee (IAMC) for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMX), we are excited to let you know there are two IAMC-TMX requests for proposals (RFP) now available on the Buy and Sell website.

To view the bids, follow these three easy steps:

  1. Open the link provided above;
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the webpage to “Solicitation Documents”; and
  3. Click on the Solicitation Document you wish to open (PDF file).

NOTE: Please be reminded that all questions regarding the RFP must be directed to NRCan Procurement, as established on the Solicitation Document (see “Address Enquiries to” on the first page of the Solicitation Document for NRCan Procurement contact information).

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