“For 135 years the Métis have suffered the indignity of having their iconic leader Louis Riel denied justice. It is high time that the legal, political and judicial misdeeds surrounding his trial are exposed to all the people of Canada. These truths will prove that the injustices inflicted on Louis Riel led to his conviction and execution on November 16, 1885. Louis Riel represents all the people who supported the Métis cause during the NorthWest Uprising as well as the Red River Resistance.
His conviction and execution wrongfully stigmatized and marginalized the Métis who joined with him in the pursuit of their basic human rights. Riel fought not only for the Métis but also for all the People in Western Canada. His advocacy was for land rights, democracy and other basic human rights such as responsible government, and the right to vote. It is our firm conclusion that Louis Riel was incorrectly charged under the 1351 Statute of Treasons of Great Britain. This Statute, with respect to levying war in the “realm”, was not applicable in Canada. Consequently, Louis Riel was incorrectly charged, and accordingly was incorrectly convicted and incorrectly executed under that Statute.
Thus Louis Riel must be exonerated.” – By George and Terry Goulet