Keith Henry Welcomes Famous Author and Speaker Calvin Helin to Coffee Talk

(Vancouver, BC) The guest list for appearances on the online smash hit Métis television show ‘Coffee Talk’ is peppered with celebrities, politicians, Métis historians, budding musicians and cultural experts but this Thursday’s Coffee Talk will be something very special featuring an extraordinary and one of the most accomplished First Nation’s in our modern day.

Calvin Helin, a best-selling author [Dances with Dependency: Out of Poverty through Self-Reliance (2006) and Breaking Free from Economic Dependency: Hope and Empowerment through Self-Reliance (2010)], is an international speaker, entrepreneur and lawyer who will provide this week’s guest appearance. Mr. Helin First Nations from the Lax Kw’alaams community (Tsimshian Nation) and is a practicing lawyer and entrepreneur. Mr. Helin is President and CEO of Eagle Group of Companies, LLC, and Orca Spirit Publishing & Communications, Inc. He is also President of the Native Investment and Trade Association, a director of the Vancouver Board of Trade, GeoScience BC, and the Canada-China Resource Development Foundation.

In addition to numerous national distinctions, Mr. Helin was recipient of the top “40 Under 40” awards for both British Columbia and nationally for Canada and recently was Chairman of a highly successful Aboriginal trade delegation to China. He works diligently to establish an innovative business model to promote long-term benefits to Aboriginal people from natural resource development. Mr. Helin is also President an Advisory Board member of the SOS Children’s Village.

Coffee Talk with moderator Keith Henry and this week’s special guest Calvin Helin is a must watch for everyone because Mr. Helin will explain his views that government dependency by any group brings everyone of the country’s population into jeopardy regardless of community. Remember the Coffee Talk show begins at 7:30 PM this Thursday either through the BCMF website or directly @

For more information about Calvin Helin visit:

Media Inquiries:

Keith Henry
British Columbia Federation


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