Klahowya Village Opens June 21st – September 2nd, 2013

BC Metis Federation and the Michif Historical and Cultural Preservation Society are pleased to partner on a Metis cultural display that will be open and part of the Klahowya Village in Stanley Park all summer long. The display will showcase a world class Metis cultural display including our historic Red River Cart. Volunteers have been identified to attend all summer to answer questions and education the thousands of visitors who will attend this summer.

KlahowyaMetis Days, which will present Metis dancing and other activities, will be featured the weekend of August 31st, September 1st and 2nd this year.

Make your plans to attend this event all summer long.

[ilink url=”https://www.aboriginalbc.com/klahowya-village/” style=”download”]Klahowya Village Aboriginal Tourism BC Website[/ilink]

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