Letter to Governments November 16th

This past Monday the BC Métis Federation sent a letter to request the Province of British Columbia and all major cities across the province to consider flying the Métis flag on November 16th.  The Metis communities recognize the importance of honoring November 16th each year.

Thank you to Métis elders George and Terry Goulet for their assistance and support to provide historical documentation that formed the basis of the request.

Dear Sirs/Mesdames:

This letter is sent to you on behalf of the BC Métis Federation (BCMF), our Members and our associated Communities representing many thousands of Métis in various cities, towns and communities in British Columbia.

Our purpose is twofold:

  1. To bring to your attention a landmark day in Métis history – November 16th – a commemorative day that is celebrated by Métis people in British Columbia and across Canada.
  2. To request that you formally recognize November 16th, this year and annually, by:
    1. The issuance of a Proclamation declaring Louis Riel Day or Métis Cultural Awareness Week. The Proclamation would be similar to those issued in the past by cities of Surrey, Nanaimo, Penticton, the Province of British Columbia and others.
    2. Publicly flying the Métis Infinity Flag.

In conjunction therewith BCMF will invite local Métis people in your community to participate in the raising of the Métis Flag and any associated cultural events.

  1. To provide information with respect to this Request we enclose copies of the following:
    1. A Proclamation previously issued by the BC Provincial Government.
    2. Two informative articles on “Louis Riel – a Métis Icon” and on “Raising the Métis Flag on Louis Riel Day” by noted BC Métis Historians George and Terry Goulet of Sechelt, BC.

The Métis have a rich and fabulous history in British Columbia dating back over 200 years. There are some 70,000 self-identifying Métis in the Province. The Métis are officially recognized in section 35 of the Constitution Act of Canada, 1982 as one of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada.The BCMF website is www.bcmetis.com and it contains numerous articles on Métis history, heritage, culture, and events and activities carried on by the BCMF. Its Facebook site is the most popular of all the Aboriginal Facebook sites in Canada.

If you require one, BCMF would be pleased to provide you with a complimentary Métis Infinity Flag.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the undersigned.

Keith Henry


BC Métis Federation

[ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/BC-Metis-Federation-Letter-to-Premier-and-Mayors-October-6th-2014-Louis-Riel-Day-Request.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to download the letter to governments as a PDF.[/ilink]

[ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/Louis-Riel-Article-George-and-Terry-Goulet-A-Metis-Icon.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to download Louis Riel “Métis Icon” article as a PDF.[/ilink]

[ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/Metis-Flag-Raising-George-and-Terry-Goulet-November-16th.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to download Métis Flag Raising article as a PDF.[/ilink]

[ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/OIC-0697-Metis-Recognition-November-16th-1993.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to download Métis Recognition article as a PDF.[/ilink]

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